Who We Are
ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement) – EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
We are a group of passionate and innovation-oriented professionals, from different countries, with different backgrounds, working on a volunteer basis to organize the annual ISPI EMEA conference and manage the ISPI EMEA website to share opinions, analysis, thoughts, and ideas about “improvement”. Most of us are ISPI members.
We found ISPI EMEA as a place and an open community for People who care about People and Results.
We are committed to the beliefs that being better matters because it could change the world, and be a powerful way for good in humanity.
Our DNA is based around passionately promoting performance improvement in every field with a unique focus on people, innovation and results.
Our mission is to inspire partecipants to the conference and our website audience to look forward and think beyond traditional boundaries.
Our audience is anyone, anywhere, who believes that being better matters, grows prosperity, and expands human possibilities.
In a nutshell, ISPI EMEA is a place where:
- opinions, thoughts, and ideas might be shared in a context open to everybody,
- opportunities of improvement can be explored in an experienced and proactive environment,
- topics are discussed in creative ways from new perspectives.

Max Cropper
CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions,
Max Cropper, Ph.D. is CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions, PO Box 617, 155 East Center, Orangeville, UT 84537. max@5-Star Performance.com, 435-232-9130.
Max has been involved with instructional design, development, performance improvement, and evaluation for more than 40 years. He has given many presentations and workshops dealing with best practices for instructional design and human performance improvement. He has master’s and doctorate degrees in Instructional Technology. His dissertation provided reliability and validity evidence for M. David Merrill’s 5-Star rubric. Dr. Merrill, who was a doctoral advisor for Dr. Cropper, has co-facilitated workshops with him.

Christine Marsh
Catalyst for Change (UK)
Christine is an extremely supportive no nonsense coach who brings a wealth of experience from her own successful journey from helping her many clients. You immediately know you are in the safe hands of an expert. She is down to earth, has a deep understanding of business psychology and can articulate in a logical and practical way.
Email: cmarsh@primeobjectives.com

Belia Nel
Performance Architect and strategist, author and teacher of Performance Improvement
Belia Nel CPT, is a member and an internationally Certified Performance Technologist and Performance Coach with the International Society for Performance Improvement, USA since 2003. She has published widely academically and in business journals both locally and internationally. She is a regular speak at conferences and seminars. Her publications include Performance Improvement – Essential Tools for Performance Consulting and Performance Improvement – Essential Guide to Performance Consulting.
email: belia@improvid.co.za
website: https://improvid.co.za/

Lisa Giacumo
Associate Professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University
Lisa Giacumo Lisa is an associate professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University. Her research interests focus on the use of instructional design and digital tools for global training initiatives and PI. She has worked internationally as an instructional designer, trainer, and manager for businesses, universities, non-profits, NGOs, and the US Department of Defense. Lisa has presented at AECT, Humentum/LINGOs Global Learning Forum, ISPI, and ISPI EMEA.

Judith A. Hale
Principal, Hale Associates
Judith A. Hale, Ph.D., CPT, AIM, and Ibstpi Fellow has worked with clients with the private and public sectors across all industries for more than 40 years. Her symposium on the Economics of Ignorance, workshop on the Future of Work, and research on Trends in Training, has given her deep insight into the economic and social dynamics affecting the world of work. Judy knows what is going on and can make sense out of confusion.

Adolf Theron
Performance Improvement Mentor at Best Balance Advisory Services (South Africa)
Human Performance Improvement Consulting
Email: adolf.theron1@gmail.com

Arnoud Vermei
Managing Partner WEB Performance, Senior Associate Berenschot (Netherlands)
Over the years WEB Performance researched, designed and delivered an array of performance improvement projects for businesses like IBM, Shell, KPN Telecom, Nuon, Rabobank and many others. At the same time we worked with athletes and coaches in elite swimming, athletics, speed skating, cycling and golf.
Email: info@webperformance.info

Edward Schneider
Ed is the proprietor of Peacham Pedagogics, a consulting firm founded in 1984 to specialize in research and development for interactive instruction. In recent years, it has expanded into design, development, and evaluation of performan ce systems as well.Over the years we've seen a wide range of contexts: banks, supermarkets, Air Force avionics, Army tracked vehicles, publishing, audio-visual learning laboratories, foreign language acquisition, municipal operations, music schools, etc.
Email: ed@peacham.com
Website www.peacham.com

Judith A. Hale
Principal, Hale Associates
Judith A. Hale, Ph.D., CPT, AIM, and Ibstpi Fellow has worked with clients with the private and public sectors across all industries for more than 40 years. Her symposium on the Economics of Ignorance, workshop on the Future of Work, and research on Trends in Training, has given her deep insight into the economic and social dynamics affecting the world of work. Judy knows what is going on and can make sense out of confusion.

Belia Nel
Performance Architect and strategist, author and teacher of Performance Improvement
Belia Nel CPT, is a member and an internationally Certified Performance Technologist and Performance Coach with the International Society for Performance Improvement, USA since 2003. She has published widely academically and in business journals both locally and internationally. She is a regular speak at conferences and seminars. Her publications include Performance Improvement – Essential Tools for Performance Consulting and Performance Improvement – Essential Guide to Performance Consulting.
email: belia@improvid.co.za
website: https://improvid.co.za/

Sylvia K. Lee
Kieran Patrick Consulting
Sylvia inspires leaders to let go of standard leadership approaches, transforming how they lead to become confident, credible and trusted leaders whose teams deliver consistent high performance. Working with leaders at the intersection of leadership, team culture, and high performance, she emboldens leaders to create a greater vision of what is possible, for themselves and their teams.
Email: sylvia@powerup-leadership.com
Website: www.kieranpatrick.com

Camille Ferond
Camille is a culturally aware trilingual CPT with 20+ yrs. experience. Hired to accelerate Personal Proficiency and Business Plan Implementations, addressing: Quality, Productivity, Safety, KSAs, in private & public sectors, in Europe and USA, across industries including: Educational, Clinical, Transportation, Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Financial, Nuclear etc... She is SVUNA VP of Organisational Development and an ISPI-EMEA Board Director. (ISPI-Europe 2005-6 Past President).
Email: proferond@hotmail.com

Roger M. Addison
Addison Consulting
Roger, CPT, is an internationally respected practitioner of Performance Improvement Technology (PIT) and performance consulting. He is the Chief Performance Officer at Addison Consulting and a Certified Performance Improvement Professional (CPT).He is a past president of ISPI and past Chair of the Board and President of the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations (IFTDO). He received ISPI's highest award, Member for Life, and ISPI’s Rummler, Gilbert and Service Awards.
Email: rogeraddison@earthlink.net

Max Cropper
CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions,
Max Cropper, Ph.D. is CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions, PO Box 617, 155 East Center, Orangeville, UT 84537. max@5-Star Performance.com, 435-232-9130.
Max has been involved with instructional design, development, performance improvement, and evaluation for more than 40 years. He has given many presentations and workshops dealing with best practices for instructional design and human performance improvement. He has master’s and doctorate degrees in Instructional Technology. His dissertation provided reliability and validity evidence for M. David Merrill’s 5-Star rubric. Dr. Merrill, who was a doctoral advisor for Dr. Cropper, has co-facilitated workshops with him.