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Evaluation … Why all the attention?
Evaluating results and impact has received a great deal of attention lately, particularly as we move into a VUCA world (What Vuca means to you – Harvard Business Review) against the backdrop of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what...

Improving Performance Isn’t Complicated.
A common approach to solving a performance issue (albeit highly generalized here) is to analyze the situation, diagnose the underlying problem, develop and implement an effective solution to the problem, and track improvement progress. Of course, the diagnosis may reveal more than one problem requiring a solution.

Gazing into a murky crystal ball. Revisited.
ISPI-EMEA has an imperative role in helping our profession become really professional, create valuable results, and be accountable for them. I suggest that we can, as a profession armed with valid research-based concepts and methods, help to measurably improve our shared world and to transform our society from its current trajectory to a welcoming place for tomorrow’s child.

Solution implementation… Project and change management by any other name!
In our quest to improve performance and change productivity we are sometimes overwhelmed with the pressure of speed of delivery, speed to market, speed to satisfy clients’ needs, speed to execute to earn credibility and build relationships. In short, time is of the essence and we live in a society of immediate gratification and quick fixes.