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Resetting Performance Management
Is it a modern-day lost cause like the lost civilisation of Atlantis? Performance in any organisation is a complex issue necessitating ongoing attention. In today’s competitive environment there is a need for a robust approach to meet the performance expectations of...

Making Evaluation Less Complex.
Evaluation frameworks and approaches occupy much of our literature and professional activity. And they should.
If we do not know what results we obtained and the value of what we have done and delivered, then whatever we do is by guess and hope. Most existing models are fine grained and, frankly, a bit complex. This does not have to be if we go back to basics.

Resilience Does Not Equal Great Leadership.
There is no app for resilience; we must develop it. This process starts with self-awareness. Understanding and re-defining how we see leadership and resilience, as well as reflecting on the quality and effectiveness of our resilience, will help us best invest our energies and efforts.

Talent Development, Leadership, and Worthy Results.
Where should talent development and leadership focus? Effective TD and performance improvement requires aligning any development with closing gaps in organizational performance and external impact.

The journey to the future of social, organizational, and individual performance: a migration from how to what to why.
Our future is bright if we create it and seize it. We can move from “how” to “what” to “why,” and integrate them all to define and deliver useful results. While most of us now apply our talents to workplace problems, this should not, even must not, stop us from also adding value to increasingly wider venues. Here are some possibly useful insights about our profession and how we might create a bright future.

Optimizing Human Performance: an Introduction to the HPT Method.
Ah, the French! They have a knack for getting to the heart of the matter. But until they actually develop that “standardized worker”, we’ll have to manage with the workers we have. They are anything but standardized, yet we have to fit them together without gaps or overlaps to produce an efficient, smoothly running organization.

Performance Architecture: A Walk on the Performance Side – Part 3.
As Performance Architects concerned with human performance issues in the workplace, we are engaged in helping our clients and their organizations meet their business goals. In the course of our work we frequently team with consultants in other specialty areas. We find that together we can add value for our clients with the judicious use of some basic architectural models and tools.

Digital Transformation and Technological Debt.
I focus my reflection only on the digital transformation and not on the technology as a whole, because I believe that, among all the innovations that fuel this very strong technological acceleration, digital transformation represents the most pervasive aspect of this exponential progress. It involves, or may involve, every aspect of our private, work, and social lives.

Performance Architecture: A Walk on the Performance Side – Part 2.
Performance Architects are in the business of investigating human performance issues in the workplace and determining how best to help their client organizations meet business goals. That said, it is our experience that consultants of any stripe can fruitfully employ a few basic architectural models and tools to provide significant added value to their clients.

Should you care if your employees are happy?
There is such a thing as the Global Happiness Report, and it was released at the World Government Summit earlier this year. Among other things, it notes that in the workplace, employee happiness has a marked impact on productivity, and companies with higher levels of employee well-being tend to do better in terms of stock market performance and growth.