Briefing Sessions
2024 Briefing Sessions
- Lee
To Improve Performance, Supercharge Your Job Descriptions - Lebowsky
Aligning AI-Driven Technology to Sustainable HPI - Baker, Buffington-Bates & Chevalier
Anthropo-morphic connections’ influence on performance - Roy & Addison
Examining AI + the Future of Work Priorities - Beaver & Dave
Establishing a Culture of Organization Learning - Bouckaert & Ferond
Causes & Implications of Fundamental Knowledge Deficits - Baker & Patole
Human-AI Team Performance - Hogde, Baker, Guthrie & Taylor
Impact of AI-Divide on Human Performance - Morrison
What is an HRO & What Can Every Organization Learn From Them? - Nel
Session Title TBD
To Improve Performance, Supercharge Your Job Descriptions
Thursday, September 26, 2024
CET | 19:00 |
EDT | 19:00 |
PDT | 10:00 |
If your job descriptions (JDs) don’t drive performance and business strategy achievement, they are failing you AND your employees. Explore how and why strategic JDs form an essential component of, and add value to, a powerful performance system. Analyze how they drive performance results and outcomes, foster effective management and leadership practices, build a constructive culture, and create a foundation for multiple strategies: Performance, engagement, recruitment, learning and development, workforce and succession planning, job evaluation and compensation, and more.
Sound impossible? We’ll prove it to you – discover the four key elements and 12 factors of supercharged, strategic JDs. Practice writing one key factors – the purpose of YOUR job and why it exists. You’d be surprised how much people struggle to do this, especially senior leaders.

Silvia Lee, PhD
Owner/Senior Consultant, Kieran-Patrick Consulting
Sylvia Lee, PhD is the Owner/Senior Consultant, Kieran-Patrick Consulting. She is a business professional with a large resume of education and experience, including 20+ years’ experience leading teams and departments – HR and OD, overseeing performance systems, learning systems, leadership development, culture change and improvement, HRIS, Payroll, Labor Relations, and more.
Sylvia has worked for many years as Principal Consultant at Kieran:Patrick Consulting, providing leadership training, leadership coaching, management consulting, adult education, organizational change management, and other training/development courses as requested. Over the years, Sylvia has presented on various leadership, HR, and OD topics at conferences in Canada, USA, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Uganda, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Germany, Georgia, and Turkey.
Sylvia’s focus for the past 12 years has been on strengths-based leadership and strengths-based organizations. She has used various strengths approaches in practices as a mentor, both in the workplace and through the Saskatchewan Human Resources Association. Today, it is core to her consulting and Coaching practice.
Aligning AI-Driven Technology to Sustainable HPI
Friday, September 27, 2024
CET | 16:00 |
EDT | 10:00 |
PDT | 07:00 |
Conscientiously aligning emerging AI Technology to meaningful Human Performance requires a profound understanding of the underlying interdependencies between the dynamics of AI Technology and meaningful Human Performance.
When being increasingly exposed to the influence of AI technology while pursuing a result driven goal how much do we wish to monitor the impact of essential human social qualities, emotions and constructive thinking on human performance improvement?
Together we will explore effects that we feel when activating these human skills and qualities emerging from gratitude and stillness, reflection, active listening and group consensus during any challenge appearing along the pursuit of a result driven goal while activating the immensely valuable spectrum of experiences among the conference participants.
Focusing on the underlying principles of human interaction provides fundamentally useful parameters and data for overall systemic stabilization and wholesome energy efficiency optimization — enabling conscientious integration of AI Technology.

Fritz Lebowsky
Dr. Fritz Lebowsky received his PhD in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He continues investigating astonishing performance in human visual perception and transferring the findings into consumer products. His Master’s degree in executive Management at the Grenoble School of Management opened a path to innovative concepts for creating harmony between human emotional intelligence, artificial intelligence, and ethics in the era of ‘digital transformation’ while envisioning a sustainable human future for ALL.
Anthropo-morphic connections’ influence on performance
Friday, September 27, 2024
CET | 17:00 |
EDT | 11:00 |
PDT | 08:00 |
Anthropomorphic avatars have been created to interact with individuals and groups to help them experience social support and a sense of belonging. In this session examples of anthropomorphic chatbots driven by AI to have human-AI interactions where the generative AI is designed as social support interactions to improve a person’s performance by influencing their sense of belonging, social support, and level of loneliness felt. During the session, participants will have opportunities to try the AI chatbots and to discuss how they have used AI chatbots to support their feelings of connectedness and the design of an anthropomorphic avatar be optimized to enhance user engagement and improve performance.

Rose Baker
Associate Professor in the Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas
Dr. Rose Baker is an Associate Professor in the Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas. Her research includes open learning, management techniques and statistical applications for operations and performance improvement, survey and evaluation design, theory development, and game design. Rose holds a PhD in Instructional Systems and an M.Ed. in Adult Education Theory and Practice from The Pennsylvania State University and is certified as a PMP® by the Project Management Institute.

Cassandra Buffington-Bates
Doctoral student
Cassandra Buffington-Bates has extensive experience in healthcare, IT, and adult education. A doctoral student at the University of North Texas-Denton, she holds master’s degrees in public health and education and is a certified Health Education Specialist. Her research interests include wellness, social prescribing, emotional intelligence, and the role of family stories in health, advocating for cultural competence and empathy within the healthcare community.

Justin Chevalier
Doctoral student
Justin Chevalier is a student in the learning technologies PhD program at the University of North Texas with an interest in organizational fit, performance, and culture. Justin works for a major community college in the greater Houston area as a manager and provides support to system-level initiatives for twenty locations. Justin is also an adjunct for a first-year experience course.
Examining AI + the Future of Work Priorities
Friday, September 27, 2024
CET | 18:00 |
EDT | 12:00 |
PDT | 09:00 |
This interactive session is designed for leaders across levels, functions, and industries. Advancements today have propelled organizations to become increasingly future focused and study the impact of generative AI on work (MIT 2024). Industries that have been slow to adopt to change such as insurance have immediately introduced AI within their work and are actively engaged in expanding the role of generative AI in reducing redundant, repeatable, and administrative tasks. We are witnessing multidisciplinary working groups coming together to understand how frontier technologies are reshaping work, how implementation of AI tools can lead to higher-quality jobs, what metrics determine the success of tools, and so on.
Yet, what is amiss amid these discussions is a studied understanding of the fundamentals within an organization. Through an integrated perspective about the core elements that reside within an organization, this session encourages performance improvement practitioners and leaders to systemically question and study whether the enterprise has the right foundation to not only absorb and disseminate the frontier technology but also build forward-looking capacity for a sustainable growth.
Participants will be able to assess internal disconnects and secure alignment, an absence of which may jeopardize the future readiness of one’s team, department, or organization.

Ria Roy, PhD, MBA, MSHFID, M.S.
Clinical Assistant Professor, Boise State University
Ria Roy, PhD, MBA, MSHFID, M.S. a Clinical Assistant Professor at Boise State University. Her experiences have been in areas of strategy and commercialization, setting up SBUs, KMS, commercial analytics and decision support, new product planning, and consulting. Her research interests lie in the development of the field of PI, organization design, organizational performance, innovation, and future of work. She has presented at AEA, ISPI, and AHRD, and has published for PX, PIJ, and PIQ.

Roger M. Addison
Addison Consulting
Roger, CPT, is an internationally respected practitioner of Performance Improvement Technology (PIT) and performance consulting. He is the Chief Performance Officer at Addison Consulting and a Certified Performance Improvement Professional (CPT).He is a past president of ISPI and past Chair of the Board and President of the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations (IFTDO). He received ISPI's highest award, Member for Life, and ISPI’s Rummler, Gilbert and Service Awards.
Establishing a Culture of Organization Learning
Friday, September 27, 2024
CET | 19:00 |
EDT | 13:00 |
PDT | 10:00 |
Join us for an exploration of development. We will delve into the evolution of learning organizations, spotlighting innovative methods and effective approaches to workplace learning. Part One provides a comprehensive background on the history of learning organizations, laying the foundation for the contemporary approach of establishing a community of practice. In Part Two, we will share the story of a college employee development group. Learn how we used a guided study of Thomas Gilbert’s book Human Competence to cultivate a community of practice, the setup process, and insights drawn from a post-experience survey. Part Three transitions from theory to action, showcasing the application of performance improvement lessons from the development group to a local nonprofit. We will dissect the application, from defining roles, hiring, and to managing outcomes using the new approach. Part Four encapsulates our journey, sharing lessons learned and equipping attendees with practical tools and resources for their paths forward. Embark with us on this interactive session, where theory meets action.

Zach Beaver
Performance improvement and training professional
Zach Beaver, PhD Zach Beaver, Ph.D. is an experienced performance improvement and training professional. He holds a doctorate in applied technology and performance improvement, a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology, and certifications from the International Society of Performance Improvement. He is certified as a Six Boxes Performance Practitioner and Coach through The Performance Thinking Network. He strives to deliver strategic services that drive business results by optimizing the performance of both people and organizations. In addition, Zach is dedicated to developing, and bolstering the performance of businesses and individuals through validated scientific tools and methods. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas and works in Organizational Excellence and Development at Tarrant County College.

Priyanka Dave
Learning and Performance Improvement Professional
Priyanka Dave is a Learning and Performance Improvement Professional She is a dynamic and results-oriented professional with a wealth of experience across the academic, tech, aerospace, and pharmaceutical industries in both the USA and India. Her expertise lies in learning and development, performance improvement, change management, and organizational development. Over the years, Priyanka has successfully led initiatives that strengthen organizational effectiveness and elevate employee performance. With a strong foundation in Management and Behavioral Science, she’s dedicated to tackling complex organizational challenges and driving meaningful, sustainable change. Priyanka’s work has been widely published locally and internationally in both academic and business journals. She is deeply passionate about creating performance improvement solutions that support professional growth and contribute to the overall success of organizations.
Causes & Implications of Fundamental Knowledge Deficits
Saturday, September 28, 2024
CET | 18:00 |
EDT | 12:00 |
PDT | 09:00 |
Session Description

Camille Ferond
Camille Ferond is a culturally aware trilingual (French, Italian and English) Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) with 20+ yrs. experience and 2006 President of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)- EMEA. She’s been hired to accelerate Personal Proficiency and Business Plan Implementations, through Human Performance Technology (HPT) addressing Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, Safety, Quality, and Productivity in private & public sectors, in Europe, the USA, and Haiti, across industries including Educational; Healthcare; Telecommunication; Performing Arts; Transportation; Government; Game Development; Automotive; Pharmaceutical; Financial; Nuclear; Human Resources, etc... For example, she's led the top executive team that enhanced the Roman subway transportation and hospitality for 32 million visitors; led Team Building events for the FIAT-Ford Fiat500 Partnership; Salvaged a USAID Interactive Radio Instruction initiative throughout Haiti; Authored a winning Macedonia Ministry of Justice grant that generated repeat business; Co-founded non-profit organizations to meet professional and community needs in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA); was instrumental in obtaining top rate, five-year, Ministry of Health financing of a 1:1 Applied Behavior Analysis Autism Service Centre, in France; Embedded as Trauma Informed Secondary Educator to Latin American Asylum Seekers, in an underserved Oakland, Ca., school. Raised two mother tongue trilingual speakers earning them employment, right out of high school, despite a 40% unemployment rate for their age group in the area, while opportunistically tackling the above. Now exploring new opportunities to "Do Well While I Doing Good" through organizations as: practice Leader for the Center for International Credentials; Board Member; (ISPI-EMEA); taking courses in Complexity, Culture & Society (OsloMet) & the Diplomatic School of Brussels (CERIS).
Session Title TBD
Thursday, September 28, 2023
GET | 14:45pm |
CET | 12:45pm |
EDT | 6:45am |
MDT | 4:45am |
PDT | 3:45am |
Session Description TBD

Session Speaker TBD
Speaker Description TBD
The LeaPS ID Model: How to increase engagement and deliver results through inclusive design by expanding the partnership principle of HPI
Thursday, September 28, 2023
GET | 15:45pm |
CET | 13:45pm |
EDT | 7:45am |
MDT | 5:45am |
PDT | 4:45am |
Promoting organizational cultures of belonging and equity is the challenge of the decade; upskilling emerging talent will challenge HRD leaders. Learning and development interventions must adapt and change. But, how?
Learn what’s needed to extend the partnership principle in HPI (Tosti, 2010). Join us to learn tried and true strategies for leading instructional design (ID) teams and practical partnership approaches to use immediately in ID projects. Given EMEA case scenarios, in this interactive presentation you will learn how to apply the two principles of our new LeaPS ID Model (i.e., inclusive design, performance-based learning and development) to build a scalable inclusive ID process and use inclusive design methods to create equitable interventions. Our discussion will also include ways to approach sustainable equity and inclusion in different cultural contexts in these times of transition. Everyone (i.e., emerging IDs through ID leaders) who is interested in fostering inclusion and equity is welcome.

Lisa Giacumo
Associate Professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University
Lisa Giacumo Lisa is an associate professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University. Her research interests focus on the use of instructional design and digital tools for global training initiatives and PI. She has worked internationally as an instructional designer, trainer, and manager for businesses, universities, non-profits, NGOs, and the US Department of Defense. Lisa has presented at AECT, Humentum/LINGOs Global Learning Forum, ISPI, and ISPI EMEA.

Steve Villachica
Emeritus Professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University
Steve Villachica is an emeritus professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University. He is currently co-writing an instructional design textbook with Lisa Giacumo and Don Stepich, scouting projects for OPWL students and research lab, and acting as a co-principal investigator of the Process Management Lab. A member of ISPI, AECT, and ATD, he is a frequent author and conference presenter.
Lean Performance Improvement: A Simplified Way to Achieve Outstanding Performance
Friday, September 29, 2023
GET | 9:30am |
CET | 7:30am |
EDT | 1:30am |
MDT | 23:30pm |
PDT | 22:30pm |
In the context of an increasingly competitive world, performance experts have made many attempts to develop performance improvement/ management models, systems, and programs that help workers achieve exceptional performance.
Thomas Gilbert developed the original Human Competence model, and there are many more with varying degrees of comprehensiveness. Most are generally behavioral & transactional in nature. There is a need for a more transformational model. It’s also important to have a simple, yet powerful model that is easy to apply.
This presentation provides an introduction and the opportunity to apply Cropper’s Lean Performance Improvement Model, which incorporates the best thinking of some of the world’s leading human performance experts. Participants will help create performance improvement plans and will receive a template to create performance improvement plans of their own.

Max Cropper
CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions,
Max Cropper, Ph.D. is CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions, PO Box 617, 155 East Center, Orangeville, UT 84537. max@5-Star, 435-232-9130.
Max has been involved with instructional design, development, performance improvement, and evaluation for more than 40 years. He has given many presentations and workshops dealing with best practices for instructional design and human performance improvement. He has master’s and doctorate degrees in Instructional Technology. His dissertation provided reliability and validity evidence for M. David Merrill’s 5-Star rubric. Dr. Merrill, who was a doctoral advisor for Dr. Cropper, has co-facilitated workshops with him.
The Impact of Culture on Workplace Performance: A Global Mixed Methods Study
Friday, September 29, 2023
GET | 12:00pm |
CET | 10:00am |
EDT | 4:00am |
MDT | 2:00am |
PDT | 1:00am |
Organizational culture is at the forefront of conversations among workforce development professionals. Worker performance is influenced positively and negatively by the organizational culture. A greater understanding of how culture influences worker performance can allow workforce development professionals to shape educational programs, evaluate cultural norms within the organization, and make recommendations for cultural change strategies. This research used quantitative and qualitative methodologies to investigate the impact on working professionals and account for workplace cultural differences. The research process included a comprehensive literature review and analysis. This work also outlines the methodology utilized in studying and reviewing culture and performance. It used the CQ (Cultural Intelligence) inventory and the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) to examine the relationships of culture with task performance and the identification of viable performance engineering strategies through interviews with Certified Performance Technologists (CPT) to increase the understanding of how to leverage culture with performance improvement strategies and tactics to aid organizations in achieving their mission. This research aimed to determine a better understanding of and increase the use of performance improvement and cultural models to assist organizations.

Max Cropper
CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions,
Max Cropper, Ph.D. is CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions, PO Box 617, 155 East Center, Orangeville, UT 84537. max@5-Star, 435-232-9130.
Max has been involved with instructional design, development, performance improvement, and evaluation for more than 40 years. He has given many presentations and workshops dealing with best practices for instructional design and human performance improvement. He has master’s and doctorate degrees in Instructional Technology. His dissertation provided reliability and validity evidence for M. David Merrill’s 5-Star rubric. Dr. Merrill, who was a doctoral advisor for Dr. Cropper, has co-facilitated workshops with him.

Rose Baker
Associate Professor in the Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas
Dr. Rose Baker is an Associate Professor in the Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas. Her research includes open learning, management techniques and statistical applications for operations and performance improvement, survey and evaluation design, theory development, and game design. Rose holds a PhD in Instructional Systems and an M.Ed. in Adult Education Theory and Practice from The Pennsylvania State University and is certified as a PMP® by the Project Management Institute.
Session Title TBD
Friday, September 29, 2023
GET | 13:45pm |
CET | 11:45am |
EDT | 5:45am |
MDT | 3:45am |
PDT | 2:45am |
Session Description TBD

Session Speaker TBD
Speaker Description TBD