20th ISPI EMEA Annual Conference
Performance Improvement and Sustainability
September 30, October 1, 2, 4 and 5 - 2021 - 2nd Virtual Event
Briefing Sessions
2021 Briefing Sessions
- John Lazar
Leadership Development Under Duress – Challenges to Organizational Sustainability - Vuyisile Mathiti
Building capabilities for effective HR business partner performance sustainability: A case study at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa - Niklas Nillroth, Juan Pablo Ortiz
Candid Conversation with VP Sustainability & Public Affairs - Sylvia Lee
Improve Organizational Culture by Implementing Strengths-Powered Performance Management - Lisa A. Giacumo, V. Stieha, Steve Villachica
Who are your people and what do they REALLY need? Augment your learner analysis through design thinking and personas to increase social impact and become more sustainable - Rose Baker, Nelumdini Samaranayake
Sustainable Education for All - Steve Villachica, R. Anson, J. Mammenga, R. Mays
Implementing Sustainable Process Improvements - Belia Nel
Resetting Organization Performance – from Strategy to Sustainability - Max H. Cropper
Lean Performance Improvement: A Simplified Way to Achieve Outstanding Performance - Elusha Jansen, John Mc Hugh, Elaine Dreyer
Unlock Business Growth in Exponential Times
Leadership Development Under Duress – Challenges to Organizational Sustainability
Thursday, September 30, 2021
CET | 7:00pm |
EST | 1:00pm |
PT | 10:00am |
The 2021 DDI Global Leadership Forecast solicited perspectives from over 2100 HR professionals and 15,000 leaders across 50 countries and 24 industry sectors, identifying key trends to guide the future of leadership and of leadership development. Leadership, is a force multiplier for productivity, engagement, and fulfillment (or not). The trends, along with other recent research, paint a picture of organizational leadership that, for the most part, is failing to deliver on its leadership promise. In fact, an accelerating, disruptive, and VUCA world exaggerates the shortfalls. Where do organizations start to turn the ship in a better direction?
This session will discuss the facts of the leadership trends and research. What are their implications for talent/HR staff, performance improvement professionals, leaders, and the choices needed to transform leadership? Without them and improved implementation, the leadership gap shall continue to widen and the likelihood of building organizational sustainability shall further diminish.
In addition, the perspectives, priorities, and aspirations of CXOs from Balkan companies will be shared. These data will be drawn from the executive participants interactions with the speaker scheduled to occur at his September 2021 M6-sponsored masterclass.

John B. Lazar
John B. Lazar Associates
John has been a performance consultant and coach since 1983, including 23 years as an executive coach to executives and senior managers through his company John B. Lazar & Associates. He works with individual leaders and their teams, altering their perspectives, skill sets, and performance to produce socially and emotionally intelligent leadership and management, breakthrough execution and business results.
John has been a member of ISPI since 1981 and now serves on its board of directors
Email: john@jblacoaching.com
Website: www.jblacoaching.com
Building capabilities for effective HR business partner performance sustainability: a case study at the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Friday, October 1, 2021
CET | 4:00pm |
EST | 10:00am |
PT | 7:00am |
Following the conclusion of a restructuring process, a need to build essential business partner capabilities for newly-placed employees was identified. A programme to build future-focused business partner capabilities was designed to develop skills required for an effective HR business partner performance. The services of a partner with a system’s view to capability development were obtained to offer a contextually-based, practical and performance-focused development programme.
Informed by micro learning principles, a bite-sized approach to learning was deemed the most adept approach due to numerous benefits it offers such as increased training engagement and knowledge retention. The bite-size and modular approaches to learning necessitated the learning to be interspersed over a period of 4 months.
To enrich learning, a blended approach was adopted. This entailed, among others, business partnering knowledge and application through individual and group sessions, continuous assessment of progress, use of video clips, games to consolidate learning application tools, workplace-based case studies and workplace projects.
The programme learning approach was against the Performance Consulting methodology as well as against the 10 International Standards for Performance Improvement.
The results of the formative and summative assessments suggest that the programme added value. There was an improved understanding and appreciation of how the HR Business Partner can add value to the business and have a greater impact on business results by, alia, utilising the performance consulting architecture.

Vuyisile Mathiti
Talent Management at Parliament of RSA
Vuyisile Mathiti is currently a Talent Manager at Parliament of Republic of South Africa, where he is responsible for developing the institution's needs, in order to compete in the Future of Work landscape. This entails, inter alia, developing future-focused managers and leaders, developing a pipeline for critical positions. He brings a strong performance improvement orientation to the development of talent having being appointed the Manager for Performance Improvement for over 10 years. Prior to joining Parliament, he was in academia where he also did consulting work for numerous companies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO).
Candid Conversation with VP Sustainability & Public Affairs
Friday, October 1, 2021
CET | 5:00pm |
EST | 11:00am |
PT | 8:00am |
This session will feature a candid, not to be missed, conversation with senior executive, Niklas Nillroth, VP Sustainability & Public Affairs, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Group, facilitated by Juan Pablo Ortiz, on the subject of Performance and Sustainability.

Niklas Nillroth
VP Sustainability & Public Affairs at Volvo CE/ President of CECE, Committee for European Construction Equipment
Niklas Nillroth holds the position of Vice President, Sustainability & Public Affairs of Volvo Construction Equipment. Born in Sweden in 1964, Mr. Nillroth has mostly worked within the international automotive industry prior to joining Volvo in 1998. Within Volvo, Mr. Nillroth has since then gained broad experience from management positions within several different areas, such as Purchasing & Supply Management, Product Development, Change & Project Management and General Management.
Mr Nillroth has a master degree in Industrial Engineering & Management from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University.
Mr Nillroth is also chairman of Swedish Association for Construction Equipment and member of the World Green Building Council’s Corporate Advisory Board.

Lisa Giacumo
Associate Professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University
Lisa Giacumo Lisa is an associate professor of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning at Boise State University. Her research interests focus on the use of instructional design and digital tools for global training initiatives and PI. She has worked internationally as an instructional designer, trainer, and manager for businesses, universities, non-profits, NGOs, and the US Department of Defense. Lisa has presented at AECT, Humentum/LINGOs Global Learning Forum, ISPI, and ISPI EMEA.
Improve Organizational Culture by Implementing Strengths-Powered Performance Management
Friday, October 1, 2021
CET | 6:00pm |
EST | 12:00pm |
PT | 9:00am |
Performance management has one goal—to improve performance, yet traditional approaches very often have the opposite effect. Further, most employees and managers hate performance appraisals, often avoiding them or making them little more than checking boxes. Explore with me why changing from a deficit-driven to strengths-powered approach to performance can boost employee and manager engagement in the whole process, increase individual and team performance, and help generate a far more constructive and productive team and organizational culture. Discover the attributes of deficit-driven versus strengths-powered performance management. Learn how making that shift will impact people, culture, and organizational growth. And, start to think about how you could become an innovator in your organization, by introducing strengths-powered performance management

Sylvia K. Lee
Kieran Patrick Consulting
Sylvia inspires leaders to let go of standard leadership approaches, transforming how they lead to become confident, credible and trusted leaders whose teams deliver consistent high performance. Working with leaders at the intersection of leadership, team culture, and high performance, she emboldens leaders to create a greater vision of what is possible, for themselves and their teams.
Email: sylvia@powerup-leadership.com
Website: www.kieranpatrick.com
Who are your people and what do they REALLY need? Augment your learner analysis through design thinking and personas to increase social impact and become more sustainable.
Friday, October 1, 2021
CET | 7:00pm |
EST | 1:00pm |
PT | 10:00am |
This session will describe a process of learner analysis using design thinking to create personas through empathetic questioning and readily available data. The personas then drive evidence-based learning design decisions. This approach will be contrasted to traditional approaches in terms of its scalability, affordability, sponsorship, and perspective. We will share completed personas, explain how they’ve helped Boise State’s Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning department quickly adjust to 2020’s disruptions, and guide participants in the process of building personas so that they can do the same in their workspaces. Learners will receive a template and question set for their own use.

Nancy Crain Burns
President Crain Burns Associates, L.L.C.
Nancy Crain Burns, CPT, PhD, PMP, president of Crain Burns Associates, LLC and past president of ISPI, has helped social service agencies and corporations develop strategies and identify opportunities to achieve effective solutions. Burns has taught Applied Management Entrepreneurship at the university level, led small business workshops, and mentored leaders through the business planning process. Nancy’s passion for small business began when working in her grandmother’s New Orleans perfume shop.

Vicki Stieha
Associate Professor, Organizational Performance and Workplace Learnin, Boise State University
Vicki is an associate professor in Boise State’s OPWL program. She teaches introductory courses to students in HPT, adult learning principles, and research methods. Vicki’s research interests include design-based research to improve educational outcomes for minoritized students in STEM and developmental evaluation research to improve interventions in higher education. She is a frequent author a has recently presented at AECT, ASEE, and ISPI.

Steve Villachica
Professor Emeritus of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning, Boise State University
Steve is currently co-writing an instructional design textbook with Lisa Giacumo and Don Stepich, scouting projects for OPWL students and research lab, and acting as a co-principal investigator of the Process Management Lab. A member of ISPI, AECT, and ATD, he is a frequent author and conference presenter..
Sustainable Education for All
Saturday, October 2, 2021
CET | 6:00pm |
EST | 12:00pm |
PT | 9:00am |
Education prepares people to find solutions and solve problems from their lives, work, learning, environment, gender, poverty, and protection. The essential competencies for sustainable development of the curricula need to promote communication, collaboration, critical thinking, innovation, and creativity as a continuous process.
There is a necessity to explore new ways of providing access to content change, copyright laws, creating localized digital libraries, sunshine to charge the battery, and exploring ways of providing education on a global scale to a rapidly changing educational environment.
This session explores the technology decisions and open education resources (OERs) used within SolarSPELL and how the use of Raspberry Pi computers can be a source of sustainable education for all.
Prerequisite Knowledge: beginner level.
Briefing Session: 30-45 minutes including Q&A

Rose Baker
Associate Professor, University of North Texas
Dr. Rose Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information, University of North Texas. Her research includes open learning, management techniques and statistical applications for operations and performance improvement, survey and evaluation design, theory development, and game design. Rose holds a PhD in Instructional Systems and an M.Ed. in Adult Education Theory and Practice from The Pennsylvania State University and is certified as a PMP® by the Project Management Institute.

Nelumdini Samaranayake
Ph.D. Student at University of North Texas, IT Professional/ Instructional Design Technologist
Nelumdini worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for fifteen years, managing Information Technology in the Sri Lankan operations. After joining the education environment, she learned how the new technology of instructions could take teaching and learning to populations who do not have access to education. Education is a key to a brighter future and a basic right according to the Universal Declaration of Human rights, adapted in 1948, Article 26, “Everyone has the right to education,” Nelumdini is inspired to research ways to fulfill this need to these population.
Implementing Sustainable Process Improvements
Saturday, October 2, 2021
CET | 7:00pm |
EST | 1:00pm |
PT | 10:00am |
In response to Idaho’s fast-growing population and the COVID-19 pandemic, leadership of The Idaho Foodbank contacted Boise State’s Process Management Lab (PML) to assist them in improving their operational processes. Initial discussions indicated a variety of common business problems. Process change includes a variety of techniques for automating processes, improving them, and reengineering them. Like other organizational changes, the long-term sustainability of process change efforts can be low. Marker et al. (2014) would note that this finding isn’t surprising, as implementation, change management, and maintenance can be considered “orphan” components of performance improvement–phases that practitioners can commonly omit from practice.
Join this fast-paced, interactive session using the Mural software in an emulated process mapping workshop focusing on implementing and supporting the organizational changes. In this session, participants will:
- Review process map, disconnects and solutions for a sample problem discussed at the ISPI conference.
- Specify initial implementation steps for the solutions
- Review techniques for partnering with clients and stakeholders to produce sustainable organizational change.
Participants will also complete a Mural tour of a completed process mapping session and receive a template that process leads can use to brief organizational leaders to gain support for implementing solutions arising from process mapping workshops.

Steve Villachica
Professor Emeritus of Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning, Boise State University
Steve is currently co-writing an instructional design textbook with Lisa Giacumo and Don Stepich, scouting projects for OPWL students and research lab, and acting as a co-principal investigator of the Process Management Lab. A member of ISPI, AECT, and ATD, he is a frequent author and conference presenter..

Rob Anson
Emeritus Professor of Information Systems, Boise State University
Rob is Emeritus Professor of Information Systems at Boise State University, and currently owner of Hot Rocks Consulting. He has over 30 years consulting experience facilitating meetings and Business Process Re-Engineering workshops,implementing enterprise systems, and certifying electronic voting systems for the state of Idaho. Rob taught for thirty years in the areas of Business Intelligence, Systems Analysis and Design, Project Management, and Database Management. He also taught courses for the Executive MBA program in Strategic Information Systems and Design Thinking. Currently, Rob has a product called PeerAssessment.Com used in a number of universities to support student team peer assessment and team skills development.

Jodi Mammenga
Process Re-engineer & Change Management Leader
Jodi is a lifelong learner who enjoys exploring and playing with ideas. Using questions, she invites others to create innovative ways to improve performance at work and in life. She has worked for national non-profits, hospitals, universities, and financial services organizations with a focus on developing people, resources, and processes. Her goal is to leave an organization in better standing by nurturing a people-focused culture of assessment and process improvement. While pursuing her Master's in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL) at Boise State University, she is partnering Dr. Villachica and Dr. Anson as a consultant with Hot Rocks Consulting. In her free time, Jodi enjoys spending time with her partner, Steve, playing cribbage, hiking, and exploring new places.

Ryan Mays
Director of Learning & Development / Organizational Performance Consultant
Ryan draws on over 15 years of learning and development experience in financial services, nonprofits, and higher education to help organizations clarify and then resolve gaps in human performance. In addition, he has facilitated strategic planning, guided process improvement initiatives, and served as a nonprofit board member. Along with earning his Certified Credit Union Executive credential from the National Credit Union Association, he completed an MS from Boise State University in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning with a focus on workplace performance improvement. Outside of work, he enjoys basketball and hiking with his family in the hills of eastern Kentucky.
Resetting Organization Performance – from Strategy to Sustainability
Monday, October 4, 2021
CET | 4:00pm |
EST | 10:00am |
PT | 7:00am |
The session will focus on the four pillars of sustainability anchored in a performance-based systems thinking approach. The organization’s performance strategy should be a game plan, chosen to achieve organizational objectives, gain stakeholders’ trust, attain competitive advantage in the public sphere and should be a roadmap to achieve the strategic position and goals and objectives.
It is a combination of well-thought intentions and actions that lead the organization toward its desired position or destination. It is a unified and integrated systemic plan to achieve the objectives through people (tactical), operations (technical) and organizational (strategic) activities.
The performance strategy will provide an enabling sustainable environment based on the performance-based systems thinking approach where the focus is sustained organizational performance and results. This approach focuses on the performance thinking perspectives and is contextualized in the organizational barriers and drivers of performance as well as the operational process enablers and people behaviors impacting performance. The barriers, enablers and behaviors are specified at different levels of accountability.

Belia Nel
Performance Architect and strategist, author and teacher of Performance Improvement
Belia Nel CPT, is a member and an internationally Certified Performance Technologist and Performance Coach with the International Society for Performance Improvement, USA since 2003. She has published widely academically and in business journals both locally and internationally. She is a regular speak at conferences and seminars. Her publications include Performance Improvement – Essential Tools for Performance Consulting and Performance Improvement – Essential Guide to Performance Consulting.
email: belia@improvid.co.za
website: https://improvid.co.za/
Lean Performance Improvement: A Simplified Way to Achieve Outstanding Performance
Monday, October 4, 2021
CET | 5:00pm |
EST | 11:00am |
PT | 8:00am |
We live in an increasingly competitive world. In order for organizations to remain competitive, their individuals and teams must be world-class performers. As a result, performance experts have made many attempts to develop performance improvement/management models, systems, and programs that help workers achieve exceptional performance.
Thomas Gilbert developed the original Human Competence model, and Peter Dean and Clay Carr created adaptations of Gilbert’s model. Larry Totzke also identified seven factors for performance. Geary Rummler and Dale Brethower created a process oriented General Systems Model. Roger Addison and Carol Haig created a comprehensive Performance Architecture model, Guy Wallace developed an Enterprise Process Performance Improvement (EPPI) model. These models have varying degrees of comprehensiveness, and are generally behavioral and transactional in nature. There is a need to incorporate Steven R. Covey’s characteristics of empowerment and character to achieve a more transformational model. It’s also important to have a simple, yet powerful model that is easy to apply.
This presentation provides participants the opportunity to apply Cropper’s Lean Performance Improvement Model. This model consists of 11 Factors for Performance Improvement that incorporate the best thinking of some of the world’s leading human performance experts. Participants will help create performance improvement plans, and will receive a template to create performance improvement plans of their own.

Su Kahumbu
International Field Work
Su Kahumbu regularly makes online presentations in international forums related to her field of work including FAO, WFP, World Bank, International Livestock Research Institution, GIZ, and UN Food Systems Summit.
Unlock Business Growth in Exponential Times
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
CET | 4:00pm |
EST | 10:00am |
PT | 7:00am |
This ground-breaking session will explore how organizations can navigate a new way forward through the relentless disruption and uncertainty of the Covid era using robust, flexible, and collaborative problem-solving tools that are geared towards action.
The Performance Hub (TPH) has developed The Problem-Solving Sprint – a dynamic and robust intervention that builds the mindset, skillset and toolset needed to work smarter, tackle problems head-on, harvest new ideas and create solutions and opportunities that can unlock business growth in a changing world.
Learn first-hand about TPH’s successful problem-solving collaboration with one of South Africa’s leading financial institutions through the roll out of The Problem-Solving Sprint within Standard Bank CIB Operations Control. This unique behavior change blueprint achieved measurable and sustainable business results!
Elusha Jansen, John McHugh, Elaine Dreyer

Session Speaker TBD
Chief Executive/Owner, The Performance Hub, South Africa
Speaker Description TBD

John Mc Hugh
Head of CIB Operations Control at The Standard Bank of South Africa
John has a 31-year career in Banking, the last nineteen of which have been spent in a Risk related discipline. Joining Standard Bank in in 1990, he completed both his Licentiate diploma and then his BCom Degree, after being selected to join Standard Bank’s Fulltime Varsity Programme in 1994.
After a stint in Commercial Banking, John then moved into Group Finance in the Regulatory area where he gained a deep understanding of how the various silos fitted together and how the interplay of various risks must be managed. He also got his first exposure to large scale projects with the Y2K virus upgrade, SARB Regulatory reform of 2001 and Standard Bank SAP general ledger upgrade in 2002.
In 2002, he moved into Group Compliance as a Banks Act subject matter expert and project manager and in 2004 he had an 8-month sabbatical where he facilitated ABN Amro and Standard Bank Graduate and Leadership training sessions to Bankers on how Banks operate and how they manage their risks.
John then re-joined Standard Bank Group Compliance as Head of Monitoring and Risk Assurance. At the end of 2009, he joined Corporate and Investment Banking to head up the Operations Control Function for the South African business. In 2016, he was appointed to head up Standard Bank’s global CIB Operations Control function.
He attributes his successful career to his unwavering commitment to Standard Bank Group’s overarching purpose – “Africa is our home, we drive her growth” – coupled with his passion for education and excellence

Elaine Dreyer
Senior Learning and Development Consultant at Standard Bank Group
Elaine has more than 40 years of knowledge and experience gained across various disciplines in the Financial Industry, ranging from Retail Banking: Business Operations, Change Management, Leadership, Human Capital Business Partnering and Learning and Development. Her qualifications relate to Human Resources Management, Organisational Development and Learning and Development. Elaine’s passion is to make a difference in the lives of everyone she interacts with, and she would describe her strengths as resilience, agility, drive and the ability to work well under pressure.
Her Learning and Development experience spans everything from implementing a learnership programme, to partnering in the design and development of Leadership and Emerging Accelerated Talent Development Programmes as well as Reward and Recognition initiatives.