PI Workshops
Performance Improvement: Past, Present, Future
Dedicated to Dr. Roger Kaufman
For new and long standing practitioners in the field, each year, ISPI EMEA is organizing a session to introduce the essentials of Performance Improvement (PI) and to offer a dialogue platform for how the industry might be changing depending on the current global socioeconomic developments. This year, Roger Addison, Maja Joakim, and Klaus Wittkuhn will lead you through an interactive review the core principles of PI from the view of Past, Present and Future. The session will give you an overview of PI consulting, the PI Landscape and our basic principles, RSVP, as applicable to different markets:
- Focus on Results,
- Take a Systemic viewpoint,
- Add Value and
- Partner
Take an integrated approach,
o Worker,
o Work,
o Workplace
o World Impact
We will share PI Case Studies and then take a look at the future of Performance improvement.
We are looking forward to seeing you on line.
This year’ session is dedicated to Dr. Roger Kaufman (1933-2020), the MEGA thinker, the MEGA man, who will be MEGA missed!

Roger M. Addison
Addison Consulting
Roger, CPT, is an internationally respected practitioner of Performance Improvement Technology (PIT) and performance consulting. He is the Chief Performance Officer at Addison Consulting and a Certified Performance Improvement Professional (CPT).He is a past president of ISPI and past Chair of the Board and President of the International Federation of Training and Development Organisations (IFTDO). He received ISPI's highest award, Member for Life, and ISPI’s Rummler, Gilbert and Service Awards.
Email: rogeraddison@earthlink.net

Max Cropper
CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions,
Max Cropper, Ph.D. is CEO of Five Star Performance Solutions, PO Box 617, 155 East Center, Orangeville, UT 84537. max@5-Star Performance.com, 435-232-9130.
Max has been involved with instructional design, development, performance improvement, and evaluation for more than 40 years. He has given many presentations and workshops dealing with best practices for instructional design and human performance improvement. He has master’s and doctorate degrees in Instructional Technology. His dissertation provided reliability and validity evidence for M. David Merrill’s 5-Star rubric. Dr. Merrill, who was a doctoral advisor for Dr. Cropper, has co-facilitated workshops with him.

Klaus Wittkuhn
Managing Partner, Performance Design International
Klaus is the founder and managing partner of performance design international, a company that specializes in the design of performance systems, and of train, a training company focused on performance based training. He studied Political Economics and Educational Science. His first career was in German Airforce. In his second career Klaus entered consulting and was in Senior Management of one of Germany’s biggest consultancies (900 consultants). He has consulted for more than twenty years in a variety of industries, in the public sector, and with NGOs in more than to 30 countries. He is adjunct faculty at two universities, a frequent speaker at international conferences and has published widely.
Klaus is an Honorary Life Member of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and was the first one to receive the Society’s Geary Rummler Award for the Advancement of Performance Improvement. In addition he had the honor to serve as President of ISPI.